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FEI Veterinary News

Source :  FEI

2008 Olympic Games in Beijing
Concern was raised as to the sanitary issues (the equine health status
of China is as yet not internationally approved), the veterinary
infrastructure (emergency facilities, the treatment platform and
official veterinarians) and the testing protocol. The FEI would offer
all assistance to the Organising Committee.

Medication Control Programme (MCP)
In 2002, 1050 samples were taken in the MCP area of Europe among which
35 tested positive. Among these 35 positive cases, 5 related to
valerian, an herbal tranquiliser on the list of Prohibited substances.
The Person Responsible using herbal remedies for his/her horse shall be
aware that these should not contain valerian.

Influenza vaccination
The Veterinary Committee strongly recommended the influenza vaccination
every 6 months to comply with requirements to protect the horse. A
decision in this regard will be required by the 2003 General Assembly.

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